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Navigating Gluten and Dairy-Free Dining: 5 Top Tips

Do you find the idea of eating out a little daunting? Are you apprehensive of the potential drama or attention that it may attract? Trust me, I get it – the thought of eating out with dietary requirements can be a little intimidating but fear not! You don’t have to miss out on the good times just because of your dietary needs. So, let’s drop the stress and dive into some down-to-earth tips that’ll keep you happily gluten and dairy-free, with no fuss involved.

Meal at Zizzi

Tip 1: Choose Wisely

Alright, first things first. Picking a restaurant shouldn’t feel like solving a puzzle. Nowadays, you’ve got options galore, but watch out for those sneaky cuisines that love to throw in soy sauce and such. Rule of thumb? Opt for places where they won’t bat an eye at your gluten and dairy requests.

Tip 2: The Power of Online Recon

Before you head out, take a quick look at the restaurant’s menu online, giving you a sneak peek at what’s on offer. And if you’re feeling extra, give them a quick ring beforehand to see what they have to offer – you’re not bothering anyone, you are just making sure your dining experience goes off without a hitch. It’s all in the planning, if you fail to plan, you should prepare to fail, as the old saying goes.

Tip 3: Ask Away

Alright, now it’s showtime – you’re at the restaurant, don’t be shy! Strike up a friendly chat with your server. They are the menu experts, and they may just surprise you with some alternative options or be able to customise dishes that may not even be on the menu. Say you spot something that’s gluten-free but not quite dairy-free – no biggie! Ask if they can skip on the cheesy stuff or switch out the dressing. It’s your meal, your rules!

Gluten and dairy free burger

Tip 4: Be a Menu Maestro

Here’s where your foodie intuition comes into play. Think simple and smart, think of dishes that naturally place nicely with your dietary needs. Dishes with creamy sauces may not be your best bet, so save those experiments for your home kitchen. If possible, aim for whole, unprocessed options that’ll keep both your taste buds and tummy happy.

Number 5: The friendly reminder

When your plate hits the table, don’t forget to give your server a little nod and remind them about your gluten and dairy preferences. It’s like your food safety seal of approval. And hey, feel free to ask about anything that’s bugging you – shared fryers, hidden dairy, for example. Your peace of mind matters!

So, there you have it – five tips that are like your dining-out toolkit for gluten and dairy-free success. Whether you’re out for a celebration or having a chill meal with some friends, these strategies will have your back. Say goodbye to mealtime stress and hello to good eats! Your gluten and dairy-free journey is about to get a whole lot more delicious!

Pickles x


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